New Nightingale House Hospice charity shop opens in Borras

A new Nightingale House Hospice charity shop has opened in Borras.

Located at 22 Borras Park Road the store, which officially opened on 19 August, is currently open from Tuesday to Saturday, 10am until 4pm and customer parking is available at the front of the store.

The organisation has put in place measures to ensure that they follow the Government Covid-19 guidance and their staff wear appropriate PPE to protect both themselves and their customers. It

Head of retail, Katie Roberts said: “We are delighted that our new shop, situated on the popular Borras Park Road shopping parade, is now open.

“The support we receive within this community through people donating items or shopping with us is invaluable as all profits from our charity shops go directly back to supporting the care and services at Nightingale House Hospice.

“It is also a wonderful opportunity for us to raise awareness within our local communities about the services our hospice provides and who we help.

“Borras is already proving to be a popular drop off location for donations and we have had a great response from the Borras Community. The shop offers a great selection of clothing and accessories, media and bric a brac.

“Whether you want to have a browse or are looking for a bargain, we look forward to meeting and building new relationships with the Borras community, many of whom are already great supporters of our hospice.

Katie added: “Currently we’re looking for volunteers to help support the running of the shop.

“If you would like apply or know someone who might want to, they can pop in to the shop for an application form and a chat with the manager or apply via email to ”

The new Borras shop is one of five stores that the charity has now been able to open, with more shops expected to open in September.

There is currently a booking system for donations. To make a booking or for inquiries you can call the shop direct: 01978 447 400.