When Robins appear...
At Nightingale House we understand that, for young people in particular dealing with the loss of loved one is difficult, particularly on special dates such as birthdays, anniversaries and at Christmas. Often, they want to do something special to celebrate their loved one’s life. Setting up a Robin Fund can be a beautiful way to create a memorable tribute for a loved one, having a long-lasting, positive impact on the lives of people cared for by the hospice.
The Robin Junior Tribute Fund will be named after your child or young person’s loved one. Parents, friends and relations will be able to help and donate in any way they choose.
People often donate in lieu of birthday gifts or by holding a fundraising event like a dress down day at school or by taking part in one of Nightingale House Hospice’s own events and sending the money raised to the tribute fund.
Once we have set up a Robin Junior Tribute Fund, we will take care of everything for you and send you and your child regular updates. As your fund starts to grow, we celebrate each of the following milestones with you both:-
When your Fund reaches £50, your child will be presented with a unique bronze certificate and a woven bronze award badge.
At £100, they will be presented with a silver certificate and a woven silver award badge.
At £250, they will be presented with a gold certificate, and a woven gold award badge.
At £500, your child will be presented with a special certificate and to celebrate their incredible fundraising, we will also present them with two hand-crafted, everlasting, life-size robins engraved with their loved one’s name. One robin will sit close to our pebble pool at the front of the hospice for you and your child to visit whenever you want to. The other is for your child to take home and keep forever.
The tribute fund can be transferred to a Nightingale Tribute Fund once your child has reached the age of 18. To open a Tribute Fund, please phone the In Memory Giving Fundraiser on 01978 314292.