For more information on Direct Referrals please email:
Direct Referral
Nightingale House Hospice is aware of the increasing pressure on community health colleagues and is conscious that requests for referrals are not progressing quickly at this time. Our Patient Flow Team are on hand to help and support you in accessing our many excellent services; whether that be a period of respite, wellbeing, physiotherapy, complementary therapy., symptom management, family support or end of life admission, we’re here to make your introduction to the hospice easy.
What is a direct referral?
Patients who would like to access our services are able to contact us directly without the need of going through a healthcare professional. You can contact us yourself or a family member / carer can contact us on your behalf.
Following receipt of your referral, we will endeavour to get in touch with your primary carer, such as your GP or district nurse, to confirm the request and obtain the relevant clinical information we require to help you in the best way possible. We will keep you informed of the progress of your referral every step of the way.
By using the direct referral process, we hope this will enable you to access our services more quickly.
What is the criteria to access services?
- If you are over the age of 18 years old
- If you live within Wrexham, Flintshire, East Denbighshire, the A494 corridor to Barmouth, and the border towns of Oswestry, Whitchurch, Wem and Ellesmere.
- If you have received a palliative (life-limiting) diagnosis – this can include cancer, heart failure and neurological conditions such as motor neurone disease – and are known to the district nursing general practice teams.
- If you are struggling with uncontrolled symptoms, for example, pain and nausea.
Due to our duty of care to our existing patients we are unable to admit individuals with confirmed or symptoms of Covid 19; these include a high temperature and/or a new continuous cough, change in taste or smell.
To download our direct referral form, please CLICK HERE
Please call us and ask to speak to a member of our Patient Flow Team on 01978 316806.
The Patient Flow Team are available between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).
Please note this is in addition to our 24/7 advice line which is still operational.

Get In Touch
For more information on Direct Referral please call 01978 316806 or complete and submit the form below: